This morning (Friday I know!!!) I finally was able to get the Memory Verse into our morning time together at Camp Mom. Remember I mentioned my desire to do that here. My husband is going to be speaking this weekend on Proverbs so I wanted the kids to memorize a verse from there.
We started our time together with the Good Morning Song. Then we did a chorale reading of Psalm 136. I picked that Psalm so that they could get that little truth nugget stuck in their heads. I think it worked. Then I introduced the Memory Verse. The Littles love to play ball so I took a ball and we tossed it around in a circle. Each person had to say a word when they had the ball. We did that for about 5 minutes over and over. repeating the verse Proverbs 9:6 as found in the Adventure Bible
I mentioned here.
All 3 of them love making music so after playing ball we made it into a song. My hope was that by next week they would all have it memorized. I posted it on the door at Camp Central, and mentioned that they could earn an extra ticket to canteen when they memorized it and said it to me. By the time we were done the 2 that can talk said it to me. Even sweet baby girl came crawling up to canteen babbling with a look of expectation on her face. When I didn’t give her anything from the box she started hunting for treats on the floor. This snapped me back into mom mode right away so I had to pause and vacuum all the floors Ha!!
I couldn’t believe they learned the verse as quickly as they did. In addition to that, they both continued to sing the song all day. My oldest is going away to camp next week, so I think I will still leave that verse for next week.
My daughter has been wanting to “blog” since I started blogging in December. I have promised her that she could. I have given her several opportunities, but this is the first time she has taken me up on it. She wrote the following.
Proverbs 9:6
Walk in the way that leads to understanding!!!
Psalm 136 says
His faithful love continues forever!!!
Hi, i am tamika’s *oldest daughter*. This Memory Verse His faithful love continues forever I really
liked, but this one I like more. Walk in the way that leads to understanding!!!
We learned by throwing a ball and saying: “Walk,in,the,way,that,leads,to,understanding.”
Me again, isn’t she so sweet?!
I hope you all have a super weekend. We are sending this sweet girl away to camp so she can learn more sweet promises from the Bible. Be sure and stop by Monday I am sharing a big secret!